You won’t have a problem finding Diani Beach Accommodation. Plenty of luxury hotels – equipped with their own restaurants, bars, and grills – can be found along the way. Those looking for a dream holiday spot will be impressed by the number of hotels offering rooms with a beach view. You can find suites, beach cottages, and rooms equipped with satellite TV, air-conditioning, and even mini-bars.
For those who can’t disconnect from what’s “happening,” Diani Beach hotels also provide WiFi connections. Busy travelers can catch up with their office decisions while sipping on a refreshing cocktail and catching some sun. Afterward, you can relax at a massage jet, in a pool bar, or even have some fun on a water slide in the hotels’ own pools.
Leisure lodge is perched on a coral reef by the powdery white sands of Diani beach . The lodge is the largest in Kenya’s south coast. Moi International Airport is 30 km away. The Leisure Lodge Beach & Golf Resort, … Continued