Outspan Hotel

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Outspan Hotel - Nyeri

Outspan Hotel, Nyeri

Outspan is located in Nyeri town, right in the heart of Kenya’s tea and coffee growing highlands. It is the nearest hotels to the spectacular Karuru Falls and is an Eden of vibrant gardens and verdant green lawns. Peacocks add to the charming ambiance as they roam at will.

The hotels was built in 1926 and was once home to Lord and Lady Baden Powell, founders of the Scout and Girl Guide movements. Their cottage Paxtu is now a museum that is open to our visitors, and to scouts and guides from all over the world.

Outspan, the starting point for guests going to the world-renowned Treetops, has 3 cottages, 14 deluxe and 28 spacious standard rooms. Most of the rooms have fire hotels and garden access. It is also an idyllic corporate retreat with fully-equipped conference rooms, computer and internet access, and other business facilities. Meals are served in the dining room or on a wide verandah. On clear days, the verandah is the perfect spot to catch a glimpse of snow-capped Mt. Kenya, the second-highest mountain in Africa.

Don’t miss out on dances by members of the Kikuyu ethnic community, and an unforgettable guided river walk during a stay at the Outspan. The river walk includes the sight of an ancient Mugumo tree and a view of the Chania River flowing between black rocks.

Guests may also swim in the hotelss pool, or play a quick game of tennis or squash on the courts. Golfers will particularly enjoy playing the game at the neighbouring Nyeri Club. At this altitude, the ball goes much further than usual!